Friday, January 04, 2008

all in time.

Time has long been a subject of my fascination and I have often mused about it on this. Recently, I completed the last book of the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz and have come across some interesting quotes about time.

"We yearn for tomorrow and the progress it represents. But yesterday was once tomorrow and where was the progress in it?

Or we yearn for yesterday, for what was and what might have been. But as we are yearning, the present is becoming the past, so the past is nothing but our yearning for second chances."

When I first read this quote, it set my long rusty brain whirring into thought. Unfortunately, as my brain has been long rusty, the whirring remained as unproductive as just a noise. An imaginary noise, since my brain's whirring is just metaphorical. So all I could think of was to share this quote with anyone who is willing to read it and enjoy it's poignancy.

Odd also uses time in his descriptions of his hopes meet Stormy, his deceased lover in the life after this, and be together forever.

"As long as I remain subject to the river of time, which will be for as long as I live, there is no way back to Stormy, or to anything. The only way back is forward, downstream. The way up is the way down and the way back is the way forward."

"Only time can defeat time and I will be together with Stormy forever when time ends and eternity begins."

Time is aptly described as a river, flowing only forwards, never backwards. From here, I gather the helplessness of humans in the grand scheme of things(and time). As I read this, my heart was also stirred by Odd's philosophical musings about things other people also muse about, but which few can so aptly put into words Odd(Koontz) has. As my mind has not fully gotten rid of the rust, more thoughts and comments that I think can be used to describe the quotes are unfortunately stuck behind a closed hydraulic operated door.

Pardon me while I ponder further about time, which has been a subject of interest to man since the beginning of itself.



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