Wednesday, December 26, 2007

license to travel.

Not long ago, I made my way to SSDC to take my Basic Theory Test, having not studied for it. It was one test I was looking forward to. Besides, passing it would mean one step closer to driving. So I put on my full battle gear of t-shirt, bermudas and slippers and proceeded to the test venue.

The questions were amazingly easy and I breezed through it in slightly under 10 minutes, whilst the people left and right of me were in question 10 and 18 respectively. I even smiled to myself as I detected a wrong answer. So I decided to check my answers to see if I had gotten anything wrong. One particular question, which looking back at it was quite obvious, but led me thinking was,

Q: At the red man, pedestrians are crossing the road. What would you do?

A. Tap your horn at them to get your right of way.
B. Stop and let them pass.
C. I forgot the answer.(As in really I forgot. It wasn't one of the choices.)

My initial answer was B, because it was the safest. But then, my other side came out and thought to my side which said B, "If the pedestrians were crossing at the red man, wouldn't stopping your car at the green light cause more problems?" So I picked A, which needless to say, was wrong. In the eye of the law that is. If pedestrians didn't know how to obey traffic rules, then death is certainly a risk they have to face isn't it? So I clicked end test at the end of 10 minutes and there popped up a big red box containing FAIL. I was stunned but not particularly disappointed. How could I fail? The next time I take this test, I'd be using adult public transport fares! And its another $6.80, you money grabbing test givers! I was worrying about everything other than the test result because I know deep in my heart, in the middle depths of my heart, and even the surface of my heart that if I had not checked my answers and left in 5 mins, my result would be a yellow PASS in a blue box.

With that thought in mind, I smiled an ironic smile to myself, bought myself a sprite to congratulate myself for giving such a civic minded answer and made my way home. I reached home at 2.50pm, the time the test was supposed to end. Then I smiled to myself again, making people on the streets think that I am either A) A pervert B) A lunatic C) A person with slight mental retardation D) A dork or even E) A person who knows he failed his BTT because he gave some cock answers disregarding safety. As of now, that person's license to travel remains as a card, starting with E and ending with Z Link.



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