Thursday, April 05, 2007


I had a splitting headache today. So I went to sleep. But who on earth coined the term splitting headache. How does a headache split? Does it split into 2 pieces or a billion pieces? And who on earth coined the term “coin the term” anyway?! How do you “coin” a term. I thought one “came up with” or “invented” a term. Coin? This is just strange.

And why do people say “A penny for your thoughts”? Are thoughts worth that little? What if they asked Einstein that? Would he tell them all the science theories he was thinking about, like relativity. What if they stole his ideas? All they would pay for it is one penny. And what if that person was thinking something bad about you? So you paid a penny to hear someone to tell you “Fuck off you wanker!” or something like that. What if there was someone named Penny? Then you would have to give that person to the person you are directing your question at? What if someone was thinking about food – wanton mee, chicken rice, bak chor mee, prata, duck rice, kway chap, char kueh teow etc. Would that become “Food for thought” instead?

Also, since young, I have been taught not to lie. I was caught a few times and was asked this question. “Where did you learn to lie?” I’m afraid lying is not “learnt” in that sense. I feel it’s a natural human instinct to lie. Some people lie because they want to save their own skin, some people tell a white lie to make others happy, some others lie for their own person advantage and some lie because they do not feel like standing or sitting.

I realize this post lacks a sort of flow. This is because it is not liquid, therefore cannot flow. It is not because I am building castles in the air either. Because that’s not quite possible is it?


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