Thursday, May 15, 2008

end of term report card. (imaginary kind)

Name: Yeo Kan Seng
Level: Primary 4
Class: G

English: C. Has finally learnt how to differentiate cat from caterpillar. Identifies them as different entities now, where in the past has insisted cat is the short form of caterpillar.
Mathematics: D. Marked improvement from last term, when 27 seemed like the biggest number he knew. Presumably because thats the number of cheeseburgers he eats a day.
Chinese: D. Fair
Science: B. Good
Music: Has a very unique voice. The kind which can wake the dead and kill the living. Singing is not a recommended hobby for Kan Seng.
P.E: F. Very bad! Recommend a reduced intake of cheeseburgers by at least 80%.

Kan Seng is a relatively talkative boy. He should pay more attention in class and strive to get better results. It is very important for him to watch his weight and diet as it is not normal for a primary 4 boy to weigh 80kg.



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