Friday, November 03, 2006

all grown up huh?

you know, perhaps being older has led me to understand a little more. understand how difficult it is for my parents to earn money. how sometimes i realise i am asking too much from them. which makes asking them for something i know is too much all the more difficult. perhaps i have been led to a false sense of adulthood after being 18. t thought i could make decisions on my own. then i realised there's not much difference between 30th october and 31st october. it's just a day. the real age of a person is perhaps how old you are inside. if internal conflicts are not enough, there are external pressures, circumstances which sometimes make me tend towards asking too much from my parents. and i can't do it as guilt-free as a little kid who does not understand the limits. i guess it's not always as easy as it seems.



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