Sunday, January 01, 2012

can't wait to reach the end.

It's 2012. The supposed beginning of the end. And I begin this beginning, with a  (most uncommon) case of the common cold (where which I believe I would pass away from[I know I say this many times, but this time it's REAL]), as well as severe hypochondria. And as we step into this new year, we will no doubt come across the term "resolutions". Some use it, some hate those who use it, nobody actually fulfills it, and I don't concern myself with it. I say this only because just yesterday (or last year) I said, "I am never going to step into a fucking cab in my life." And today I did. So that's done and dusted.

So I'll just pose a question to anyone who reads this. If the world was really to end in 2012, would there be any regrets with the life you have lived thus far? 

As far as I am concerned, yes. There is no doubt, I'm having a very good life as it is. I have my family, my friends, a roof over my head, and few financial difficulties(mostly due to wants rather than needs). I am happy with my part. Where does the regret come in then? Having achieved nothing to repay my families love, and make them proud of me. And if the world did end in 2012, I wouldn't have had enough time(or so I believe) to take the slow track to a job after graduating, and finally actually supporting myself and helping out with the household expenses. It probably seems easy enough to achieve, but my lazy ass seems to be a big obstacle.

And I believe I have been spending way too much time in hall, to the point where I neglect my family. Home has become some sort of resort for me, where I don't help out at all, and wait for people to serve me. If there was one word to describe how I feel about this on hindsight, it would be shame. At the not-so-tender age of 23, behaving like a fucking child is not something to be proud of. I'd like to change that, starting now.

As it is, we start dying the moment we were born. It's a process of slow death, every digit of the digital watch ticking your life away, the hands of every timepiece shearing your life, bit by bit. It probably seems rather morbid at the moment, but if this was to be my last post(because as mentioned above, I think I am dying), I want it to be written with some flair. Whatever flair-ish thing I wrote above was inspired(and mostly copied) from Dean Koontz's books, which I am kind of lazy to refer to right now. But anyway, if 2012 really turns out to be the last year for everyone, however unlikely it is, then we should all use this year to try and make your life one with less (I'm not optimistic enough to say no) regrets. 

Veering slightly off topic here(like a drunk driver), I look back upon the archives, and realise I have had this blog going on for some time now. Suddenly, I wonder why I did it. It's kind of like some sort of mark, however small, I wish my existence has made to this world. It's essentially the story of my life(inside my head), from when I started blogging. I want to tell it to someone, anyone, before there's no one left to tell. I hope it isn't as boring as a Physics textbook. 

If there were any last words, presuming this is my last post(hypochondria at work here), I'd say Thank You, to each and everyone who has been a part of my life thus far. It's been a fairly tame ride I suppose, but tame rides are more comfortable! 

Okay, really last words here. Happy New Year!



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