Sunday, October 23, 2011

just a phase.

I seem to be going through this not-yet-but-soon-to-be-quarter-life crisis, where at the (relatively)tender age of 23, I'm thinking of the good ole(once again relatively) days, where I was young(still am) and innocent(definitely not so much). The good old days are actually just about 5 years ago, when I was in JC, and when I had a brain as yet untainted by cynicism, technical knowledge and other stuff I believe will get me through life more easily.*

Now, sitting here about 5 years later, I am rushing out(in my mind, by panicking) a presentation due tomorrow, preparing to study for a quiz on Tuesday, and lamenting the fact that my life is made up of many deadlines which I have to hand up shit(all quite relevant work actually) that I don't want to do because it would make me die a little bit inside each time I do a piece of work. I must emphasise that I am not exaggerating when I say that, because every time I attempt a piece of work, my heart pumps faster, my brain goes into overdrive, and my eyes throb with every heartbeat. Mostly because I attempt all the pieces of work at once, in the last minute. And every time this happens, I question myself. What am I trying to achieve? What are my dreams? I usually cannot answer, because by then, my mind would have wandered elsewhere, probably into One Piece, which I am desperately trying to catch up on, or just talking with people. Or even this blogging shit, which I haven't done in ages.

I hope this quarter-ish life crisis phase gets by real quick. Hopefully in another 5 minutes, because I really need to get my work done.


* I lied. Ok, I'm sorry but I lied. My brain was already tainted with shit like algebra and other math shit I can't  remember. And P.E.


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