Monday, February 28, 2011

it's still early.

Or so it always seems. Procrastination has always been an issue with me. Or at least I know it's an issue, but I think it can be dealt with later. Which of course is procrastination as well. School has started for a few weeks now, I don't clearly remember how many because I only can presume it's week 5 but I'm too lazy to check. Speaking of which, I am too lazy for my own good. I'm not saying laziness is a bad thing, though it does seem like it most of the time. There is a laziness which makes one look for short cuts and finish whatever they have at hand faster, but not my kind. My kind of laziness allows me to twist the fabric of time(only in my mind), to an extent where I don't feel the urge to do whatever I have to do and would much rather be sitting down, doing nothing or something else(such as typing this entry I'm sure no one but me[maybe not even me] cares about), because I feel that I have a lot of time left over. Which quite clearly isn't the case. I always think "it's still early." Well, it's still early alright, but it's early in the morning the next day. Figuratively and literally speaking.


It's 4 in the morning, you've got one more chance to die,
Like beautiful stories the greatest chapters flew right by.
There comes a day when we all find out for ourselves,
That once we have the words to say there's no one left to tell.

-Avenged Sevenfold, 4am


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