Tuesday, October 25, 2011

here comes the rain.

It's been raining quite often recently, but today it's slightly different. Today the sky is totally pissing on the earth like it's been holding it in for hours. But of course it hasn't. Perhaps the sky has gotten old and its bladder controlling skills are deteriorating. But I digress. This weather is no doubt the best for sleeping. But taking naps in the day is perhaps just the thing we don't have time for, given that our main focus every semester, the finals, are mere weeks away. Deadlines are slowly making dead (or dying) people, and Bedok Resevoir has become sort of a rather convenient morgue. Of course, there's always after the finals to look forward to, but that's like promising a better place to go to after death(sensitive eh?). Some people do believe in that after all, and who am I to stop them?

The sky is not only the thing that is raining though. In a rather coincidental juxtaposition, it happens that it is pissing rain in many people's hearts as well, for various reasons I shall not delve too much into. Academic matters, matters of the heart et cetera. I must say, this academic semester is not one (I want) to remember academically(it might be, but only because of how bad it is). It's been quite interesting, meeting new people in hall, getting pissed off for reasons old and new, spending money like that's what pissing down on us instead of water.

But the rain is good for one thing. That thing we don't have time for. No time? I'll make time for it(which makes me wonder why I can't do the same for studies[I know why but I am cheating myself]). Just one more thing. Cut the fucking double parentheses!



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