Tuesday, August 26, 2008

hell? oh sungei gedong.

I walked out of the room with fists clenched in celebration. Posting results were desirable. I had a spring in my step as I made my way down the stairs. "Eh, come back!" My heart sank. There was a mistake after all. Fists clenched in celebration became fists clenched in despair. Same bodily action but the difference couldn't be greater. It could actually, but I like to exaggerate.

Interpersonal relationships are very vital for the enjoyment of one's job, as well as survival. In where I'm going, let's just say the working relationship with the superior is extremely poor. The management standards are also down in the dumps. So morale is low despite the current low workload. As the workload rises, the inverse relationship between workload and morale ensures that the morale sinks even lower, resulting in extreme tension between colleagues. At a place where one is so miserable, a good bet would be to quit. Unfortunately, that is unthinkable. To quit is equivalent to quitting life itself, for in this case, my immediate superior is only my supervisor. The big boss is the Ah Pek himself.

Put it simply, given a choice between where I'm supposed to go to and hell, I know where I'd rather be.



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