Tuesday, July 15, 2008

in light of a cuban cigar.

As I was making full use of my MC, my subconscious mind once again wandered to the topic of freedom and death because I think my mind loves to loop around in confusing circles. Actually the reason I thought of this topic again was because when I was taking the bus to exchange my cracked ATM card, the song 摩托车日记 played on my handphone cum mp3 player. Before I start any of my confusing ideas, here's a(nother) poor attempt at translation of song lyrics. Haven't done it for some time.

摩托车日记 - 五月天

横越过南美洲 [Traversing across South America]

一万两千里的贫穷 [Twelve thousand miles of poverty]

我骑着狂妄的一股冲动 [I am riding on an arrogant impulse]

无垠的大地啊种不出一个梦 [The boundless land cannot even plant a single dream]

只看到那无数的 饥饿的孩子和绝望佃农
[I only see the countless starving children and despairing farmers]

呜谁在等待英雄 [Who is waiting for a hero]

呜我把左轮瞄准无情天空 [I aim my revolver at the merciless sky]

谁愿意和我 一起写一个传说 [Who is willing to create a legend with me]

你还梦不梦疯不疯 [Are you still willing to dream, to be crazy]

还有没有当初浪漫温柔 [Do you still have your initial romantic gentility]

谁愿意和我 一起写一个传说 [Who is willing to create a legend with me]

就算谁能消灭了我 [Even if someone destroys me]

却夺不走我们作梦的自由 [He cannot seize our freedom to dream]

印地斯的天空 [The Andean sky]
(Just FYI the Andean mountain range is in S. America, across as many countries as Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. Still got my geography =D)

千年没有出现彩虹 [Has not had a rainbow for a thousand years]

失业的老人在弹着斑鸠 [The unemployed old man is playing a banjo]

谁露宿在街头 [Who is sleeping outside on the streets]

谁却住在皇宫 [While which others are living in palaces]

日记上写满了梦想 [The diary is written full of ambition]

我决定要用这一生背诵 [I decide to dedicate my life to it]

呜谁在呼喊自由 [Who is shouting "Freedom"]

呜我用生命挑战宿命宇宙 [I use my life to challenge the fate of the universe]


So now that I'm done with the poor translation of this song, written in a 1st person depicting the inequality of South America, in a semi fictional biography of Che Guevara, I shall start with my rambling nonsense. Firstly how the hell all this is linked with the title. It is linked, inevitably, through El Che, who at one point in time was Fidel Castro(former ruler of Cuba)'s right hand man and honourary Cuban citizen.

Also how this is supposed to be linked to death and freedom. Well, everything it seems. Ernesto Guevara was fighting for equality in South America. It was his freedom to dream. It was never fulfilled, but he died for his dreams. In his death, his legendary status was cemented and through word of mouth inspired many other people for his guts and his "dare to dream" attitude, with the negative side of him - violence, ruthlessness and to a lesser extent stubbornness, since it can be a positive trait as well, forgotten. In death, he has achieved so much more than he could possibly have alive. Perhaps that is the greatest freedom.

In an issue that seems slightly unrelated, yet so closely bonded, life! today has shown a review of a Cuban holiday. Another place to go to. Perhaps a Cuban cigar. In another issue that is totally unrelated and has no bonds, however distant, I have ordered guitar hero online and it is arriving on Saturday. $204 just gone like this. It had better be worth it.



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