Sunday, July 06, 2008

an arm and a leg.

I was pondering about having to book in again tomorrow and how to go about escaping it when my inattentive mind decided to drift around a series of sharp bends and came to the subject of well... something not so far away from what I was initially thinking of. Army. I wondered(actually I know) how my friends were getting on in their camps and their jobs while I laze and idle my way through to the 10th of every month for a measly $394.

My job scope as a turret mech is very simple. Listen to my MSG nag and chatter in his drunken, incoherent manner, pretend to be attentive and repeat every of his last 3 words and then after his whole huge pretense of us actually having done some work, take a well deserved break from the pulsing headache caused by listening to him.

Having friends doing all sorts of things in the army is a fun experience. Regardless of Ah Bia in NDU, Fang and Stix in OCS, Boris in Sispec, Darren in Signals(still ponning everything so his stories are more about his chao keng escape), James, Aldric as clerks of various vocations, Bobby as a storeman for Ammo, Arnold in Air Force tech(done not much also since his operation), Ronald and his 6 month BMT, Zhen Yu in Sungei Gedong with me but as A-vehicle mech, all stories are fun to hear.

The issue of pay and rank pops up once in a while and I realise how much my pay and rank to be ever achieved blows. But I'm sure some way or another they will all be made up. No field camp, no IPPT, no SOC. I'm not even sure what I'm serving is National Service. So some people get to become sergeants and officers because they do all this royally tough stuff, while most others(such as me) only ever get up to corporal(3SG max) because the royally tough stuff we do are not combat. Well, it's the way things work and I'm not even sure what I'm rambling on about. The main issue must be money. I don't really give a shit about rank but the money that comes with it. It is time to end this drunken rambling incoherent bullshit. Most of you probably have throbbing headaches now.



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