Tuesday, April 04, 2006

thinking out of your fat ass.

as i was proceeding with the pain-in-the-ass PI of project work, i was asking for help everywhere. i got lots of it from kass. but what i am going to blog about is not help. it is about an interesting conversation i struck up with my long time good friend elson. firstly, i asked him for help on a topic. he gave me a great topic to work on. as he was helping me along the completion of the PI with many ideas, he told me about how his own PI was rejected two times because it was out of point and irrelevant. the ironic thing is that the MOE themselves introduced the "thinking out of the box" mentality in students, yet are setting restrictions to penalise students who actually think out of the box. take the project work question for example.

Task Requirements

- Identify and describe a development in a particular area (eg politics, politics, education etc) and explain how you think it has benefitted society thus far.

-Suggest how the momentum of this development could be maintained (eg by drawing up a proposal, designing a programme, planning an activity etc) and identify possible future benefits to the community.

with such detailed questions, the creative ability of the students are stunted as they are pressured to do things the singapore way, which is to move along the lines of conformity and do it the same way as everyone else. what is worse, the project encourages innovative and original ideas, which i belive will be classified irrelevant. with project work designed in such a way, how the fuck are we expected to think out of the box, especially when A level results are concerned.
As elson says it

think out of your fucking ass la.



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