Wednesday, February 15, 2006

i have no idea what this is going to be about

hmm.. i seem to be flooded with emotions lately so the postings come almost daily. but today is different. this post has no motive, thus no general direction. in fact, it will probably go nowhere. it will be random and nonsensical, like how i usually am. haha.

lets start with the fire drill during geog lect. ultimate cool shit. me, daniel and kenneth were once again ponning lesson at the grandstand when suddenly i got an sms from steff saying its fire drill and we need to go to the canteen cca noticeboard there and assemle but in the end it was a wild goosechase and we went for nothing because we were supposed to assemble at the field thus the 3 of us dumb fucks ran all the way to the canteen then back to the grandstand. cool huh?

then double chinese was using computer in com lab doing something about turtles for the chinese assignment. then after that i went to youtube to show kenneth fang the "axl rose shake" and tried to imitate it. urgh. i cant think of anything else and natures call beckons me. till next time.



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